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Επίσημη υπόδειξη απο τους κατασκευαστές. Κατάλαβες το παιχνίδι? δεν το λέμε ανοιχτά όμως να γίνει χαμός και σου λεέι ο κόσμος αντέχει μια ζωή με την ιδια απόδοση. Η απόδοση πέφτει ανάλογα με την υγρασία και την ακτινοβολία περιβάλλοντος στα 55% σε διάστημα 25 ετών. Υπάρχουν επίσημα κρατικά πειράματα απο ΗΠΑ και Γερμανία.


Πάντως, στο site της fibran, δίνει για την εξηλασμέμη πολυστερίνη, λ=0.035, τιμή για μετά από 25 χρόνια.


Εδώ τι παγίδα υπάρχει?


Κοίτα το πλαίσιο που μου έστειλαν



1.1.1 External Wall Insulation Systems, when installed in accordance with

this Guide, are effective in reducing the thermal transmittance (U value) of the

walls of new and existing buildings. It is essential that the detailing techniques

specified in this Guide are carried out to a high standard if the ingress of water

into the insulation is to be avoided, and the full thermal benefit obtained from

treatment with the systems.

1.1.2 The weather resistance of the wall will be improved by the system. External walls

may, however, be installed only where other routes for moisture penetration have

been dealt with separately. The systems can be used to overcome condensation

associated with the internal wall surface.

1.1.3 Existing buildings should have wall surfaces in accordance with the building



1.2.1 The relevant components of the systems have a water vapour resistance such

that, under the conditions likely to be found in dwellings in most areas of South

Africa, interstitial condensation should not occur within the insulation.

1.2.2 In conditions of continuous high humidity, additional measures may need to be

taken to avoid possible problems from the formation of interstitial condensation

in the wall.


1.3.1 Regular checks should be made on the installed system, particularly at joints, to

eliminate the ingress of water. Repairs should be effected immediately by

approved applicators of the system.

1.3.2 Damaged areas should be repaired using the appropriate components and

procedures detailed in the Guide.



1.4.1 A pre-installation survey of the property is carried out to determine suitability for

treatment and any repairs necessary to the building structure before application of a

system. A specification is prepared for each elevation of the building indicating:

the position of beads

additional corner mesh and reinforcement

detailing around windows, doors and at eaves

dpc level

exact position of expansion joints

areas where flexible sealants are to be used

any alterations to external plumbing

where required, the position of fire barriers.

1.4.2 The survey should include tests conducted on the walls of the building to

determine the adequacy of the adhesive to withstand the expected wind loading

derived from calculations using the relevant wind speed data for the site, and a

factor of safety of 9.

1.4.3 Where it is necessary a recommendation is made on the type and number of fixings

required, complementing the adhesive, to withstand the building’s expected wind

loading. Trial tests are conducted on the walls of the building by the approved

suppliers to determine the pullout resistance of the proposed mechanical fixings.

The number of fixings to be used is calculated using this data, the relevant wind

speed data for the site and, in the absence of a formal requirement, a safety factor

of 3.

1.4.4 All necessary repairs to the building structure are completed before installation of

the system is started.

1.4.5 The flatness of surfaces must be checked; this may be achieved using a straight

edge spanning the storey height. Any excessive irregularities, i.e. greater than

10mm, are to be made good prior to installation to ensure that the insulation is

installed with a smooth, in-plane finished surface. Surfaces should be solid, clean

and free of loose material.

1.4.6 If surfaces are covered with an existing rendering, it is essential that the bond

between the background and the render is adequate. All loose areas should be

hacked off and reinstated.

1.4.7 If a system is to be adhesively bonded, any painted substrates should be stripped

prior to application.

1.4.8 New buildings should incorporate suitably deep sills. Existing buildings should be

fitted with purpose made sills to extend beyond the finished face of the system.

1.4.9 It is recommended that external plumbing be removed, and alterations made to

underground drainage, where appropriate, to accommodate repositioning on the

finished face of the system.

1.4.10 New buildings should be of sound masonry or concrete construction.

1.4.11 Internal wet work, e.g. screeding or plastering, should be completed and allowed

to dry prior to the application of a system.


1.5.1 Application of the systems, must be carried out by approved installers, an approved

installer being a firm which:

(1) is employing operatives who have been trained and approved to install the

systems, and who have been issued with appropriate training certification.

(2) has undertaken to comply with the application procedure, which contains the

requirement for each application team to include at least one certified member.

(3) is monitored regularly which may include unannounced site inspections.


1.6.1 This Guide:

(a) relates only to the product that is described, installed, used and maintained

as set out in the Guide;

© has to be read, considered and used as a whole document – it may be

misleading and will be incomplete to be selective.



2.1.1 The Outsulation System (External Wall Insulation System) (see Figure

1) comprises:

(1) approved expanded polystyrene insulation boards; 1220mm by

610mm in a range of thicknesses from 20mm through to 100mm, with a

nominal density of 15 kgm-3 and a minimum compressive strength of 70

kNm-2. Boards are manufactured to comply with the requirements for

Grade SD (standard duty), type FR (flame retardant additive) material to

SANS 1508 1990: Expanded polystyrene thermal insulation boards.

(2) Adhesive/Base Coat – latex emulsion containing aggregate, coalescing and

thickening agents. It is mixed on site with Portland cement in the ratio of

1:1 by weight to be used as an adhesive and/or a base coat.

(3) Reinforcing mesh – a woven, polymer coated, glass-fibre mesh of nominal

weight 210 gm-2 and width 1 m.

(4) Heavy duty reinforcing mesh – a woven, polymer coated, glass-fibre mesh

of nominal weight 690 gm-2 and width 1m.

(5) A Woven, polymer coated, glass fibre mesh of nominal weight 320 gm-2

supplied in sections to be fitted at corners.

(6) Sandblast Finishes – acrylic based emulsions containing aggregate,

coalescing and thickening agents.

(7) Ancillary materials – profiles for wall base, sills, corner beads, expansion

joints, mechanical fixings, fibre barriers, etc are produced to the specifier’s


(8-) Sealants – two-component polyurethane sealants in accordance with SANS

11600 (SABS ISO 11600) 1993 : Building construction : Sealants :

Classification and requirements.

2.1.2 The EPS boards are fixed to the external surface of the wall using the adhesive.

All insulation board edges at openings, penetrations, or other termination points,

are wrapped using the mesh and fixed using the adhesive. After at least 24 hours,

allowing the adhesive to fully dry, the base coat is applied to the surface of the

insulation board, to a uniform thickness.

The reinforcing mesh is immediately embedded with its concave surface to the

wall to reduce its tendency to curl. The surface is then smoothed with a trowel,

working from the center toward the edges, until the bare mesh is fully covered and

not visible. The reinforcing mesh is also wrapped around the wall corners over the

corner mesh, and fixed in position by coating the faces and edges with the

adhesive/base coat. Ensuring the base coat has dried, which should take a

minimum of 24 hours, the finish is applied to a thickness of 1-2mm. The overall

render thickness achieved should be 3-5mm.


για να μου δώσουν εγγύηση 25 χρόνια. Το πιάσατε? Είδες οταν κάνεις παζάρι για 50000 τμ τι σου στέλνουν!!! Αυτό που δεν βρήκα είναι συνεργείο να τα τηρεί. Ακόμα και τα των εταιριών αυτά δεν τα κάνουν διότι δεν υπάρχει Ελληνικό πλαίσιο. Απλούστατο. Πλήρωνε Ελληνα!!!!

  • 1 month later...

Παρακαλώ πολύ για τις απόψεις σας. Παραθέτω σχετικό ink:



Έχω τώρα κάποιες μέρες που ψάχνω να βρω λύση δόμησης εξωτερικής τοιχοποιίας μόνο με τούβλα αλλά ενώ αρκετές εταιρίες έχουν βγάλει προϊόντα με βελτιωμένη θερμική αντίσταση, δεν ήταν έτοιμες να απαντήσουν σε συγκεκριμένα ερωτήματα. Και έχω μιλήσει με πολλούς παραγωγούς του κλάδου.


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Ίσως η μοναδική μου απορία πλέον είναι γύρω από τα μεταλλικά πρέκια(θερμογέφυρες, μήκη κάλυψης κτλ) και ασφαλώς το κόστος.


Επίσης αναρωτήθηκα τι σχέση έχει με την http://www.kothali.gr/ καθώς η πρόεδρος ονομάζεται Δέσποινα Κοθάλη?

Απλά και μόνο επειδή ο όμιλος ΚΟΘΑΛΗ παράγει τα POROTON με ενσωμάτωση κόκκων διογκομένης πολυστερίνης στον άργιλο η οποία με το ψήσιμο εξαερώνεται.


Σχετικό...άσχετο για το poroton


Αυτός που το σκέφθηκε ήταν Σκανδιναβός (Σουηδός; )

Έπλασε λοιπόν τον πηλό με τα "μπαλάκια" της δ. πολ. και έφτιαξε ένα τούβλο το οποίο και έβαλε στο φούρνο της κουζίνας του σπιτιού του περιμένοντας εναγωνίως το αποτέλεσμα.


Κάποια στιγμή ακούστηκε ένα μπαμ και κατάλαβε ότι έπρεπε να αγοράσει καινούργια κουζίνα!!!


Η παρακάτω εταιρεία που κατασκευάζει βιοκλιματικές κατοικίες χρησιμοποιεί τούβλα Porotherm της Wienerberger.




Το αναφέρω σαν αποτέλεσμα της αναζήτησής μου και όχι για διαφημηστικούς λόγους. Ξέρει κανένας αν εισάγονται στην Ελλάδα, γιατι δεν τα βρίσκω πουθενά?

Δημιουργήστε ένα λογαριασμό ή συνδεθείτε προκειμένου να αφήσετε κάποιο σχόλιο

Πρέπει να είστε μέλος για να μπορέσετε να αφήσετε κάποιο σχόλιο

Δημιουργία λογαριασμού

Κάντε μια δωρεάν εγγραφή στην κοινότητά μας. Είναι εύκολο!

Εγγραφή νέου λογαριασμού


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