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Δημοσιεύτηκε (edited)

Έτσι ακριβώς...


Τώρα Νίκο τι να σου πώ; οτι έκανες μακακία που διάλεξες το Bridge Design στο Surrey και δεν διάλεξες Progressive Collapse Analysis of RC Buildings affected by chlorination; 


Ρε φίλε εντάξει δεν γίνεται , το διαβάζω και δεν μπορώ να κρατηθώ....Δηλαδή μπήκαν 17 άτομα και ο Project Manager ρώτησε "Ποια είναι η διαδικασία υπολογισμού των θερμικών τάσεων σε mass concrete"  

1. Ποια είναι η διαδικασία υπολογισμού των θερμικών τάσεων σε mass concrete

2. Ποια είναι η διαδικασία ελέγχου ρηγματώσεων σε δεξαμενή θαλασσινού νερού 500000 κυβικών 

3. Πως υπολογίζουμε AQL για οδοποιία που θα παραλάβει πυκνότητα φορτίου 800 οχήματα 40 τόνων ημερησίως 

4. Πως διασφαλίζουμε στεγανότητα  δεξαμενών απο ΩΣ

5. Ποιοι είναι οι 3 βασικοί τύποι στεγάνωσης γεφυρών

6. Ποιες είναι η προδιαγραφές ενέματος προ έντασης και τι πρέπει ο επιβλέπων να προσέξει στα end caps

8. Σε περίπτωση που υπάρχει διαφωνία με τον εξωτερικό μηχανικό του έργου επάνω σε non comformity, ποια διαδικασία τηρείται.

Edited by McRaster
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Και πρόσεξες τη λεπτομέρεια, έτσι; Τα θέματα μετά κυκλοφόρησαν. Φήμες λένε ότι διδάσκονται και σε φροντιστήρια προ-παρασκευής υποφηφίων. Πέμπτης δλδ.


Πέρα από την πλάκα, δεν πιστεύω ότι δεν απάντησε κανένας από τους 17 Μηχανικούς.


Θαρρώ ότι είναι υπερβολές του Ροδόπουλου.


Σιγά μη ζητούσαν και απαντήσεις ακριβείας με κόμμα και άνω τελεία.


Το πνεύμα και τρόπο προσέγγισης και αντιμετώπισης ζητούσαν. (Άλλωστε νομίζω το παραδέχεται και ο Ροδόπουλος)


Και οποισδήποτε πήγαινε σοβαρά προετοιμασμένος για τέτοιες συνεντεύξεις, θα το θεωρούσε σαν να συμβαίνει στη δική του δουλειά και θα έπρεπε μέσα σε σύντομο χρονικό διάστημα να σκαρφιστεί κάτι η γκλάβα του, γιατί θα το έβλεπε σαν δική του δουλειά, σα δικό του πρόβλημα από το οποίο θα είχε απώλειες χρημάτων.


Οπότε και γι' αυτό πιστέυω ότι ένας σοβαρός Μηχανικός με εμπειρία, σίγουρα θα έδινε πολλά hints για τις "και καλά" ψαγμένες ερωτήσεις.


Τώρα, άμα θέλουμε να σπείρουμε τον πανικό, ή να κάνουμε εντύπωση, νομίζω ότι είναι πολύ εύκολο...

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Δημοσιεύτηκε (edited)
η βασική προϋπόθεση για έναν Ελληνα να βρει δουλειά είναι να κάνει κάτι εξειδικευμένο με κόστος  60-70% του αντίστοιχου ξένου απο χώρες που ελέγχουν το παιχνίδι.


Δεν έχω την ίδια εικόνα. (τουλάχιστον από ΗΒ)


Επιπλέον,προσωπικά το θεωρώ και λάθος σαν νοοτροπία,να είσαι ο φθηνός και ο κακομοίρης της υπόθεσης. Τέτοιου είδους εκπτώσεις στην αμοιβή σου,είναι ένας σημαντικός λόγος για να σε "κόψουν" κατά την προεπιλογή υποψηφίων.


Οι μόνες εταιρίες που ψάχνουν Έλληνες επιστήμονες με το 60% των αντίστοιχων δυτικών, είναι οι ελληνικών συμφερόντων.

Edited by atsalovergas

 Αυτό που έκρινε ο project manager με τις ερωτήσεις ήταν αν όντως έχουν εμπειρία εργοταξίου ή αν απλά έχουν εμπειρία απο εργοτάξιο της πλάκας.


Οι ερωτήσεις πάντως για έναν εργοταξιακό μηχανικό είναι απλές, απλά πρέπει να είσαι λίγο ψαγμένος 


1. Ποια είναι η διαδικασία υπολογισμού των θερμικών τάσεων σε mass concrete

Τα βασικά που έπρεπε να απαντήσει βρίσκονται στο Αci 207.1r-05 guide to mass concrete

Αυτός που έχει καλύτερη ενημέρωση και γνώση θα απαντήσει μέσω μελέτης που κάνει το ΑΤΕΝΑ σε συνεργασία με το Hymoctruc. Οι ρωγμές σε μεγάλες κατασκευές είναι βασικός πονοκέφαλος του εργολάβου και κοστίζει χιλιάδες ευρώ αν κάτι πάει λάθος. Δεν μπορεί κάποιος να αναλάβει την ευθύνη για mass concrete και να μην ξέρει τα βασικά ή να θεωρεί οτι είναι σαν το δοκάρι 60Χ25. Αν ένα μεγάλο τοιχίο αντιστήριξης βγάλει θερμικές ρωγμές τότε ο εργολάβος κλαίει με μαύρο δάκρυ ενω η εταιρία που πουλάει το ένεμα κάνει παρτι διότι μιλάμε για χιλιάδες λίτρα πεταμένα. Το χειρότερο είναι να μην δεχτεί ο ΚΤΕ την ενεμάτωση σαν corrective action...........μετά ούτε δεν βρίσκεις δουλειά πουθενά στο κόσμο.


2. Ποια είναι η διαδικασία ελέγχου ρηγματώσεων σε δεξαμενή θαλασσινού νερού 500000 κυβικών 

Η βασική απάντηση είναι οι αρμοί βάσει του ACI 504R και του ACI 515


3. Πως υπολογίζουμε AQL για οδοποιία που θα παραλάβει πυκνότητα φορτίου 800 οχήματα 40 τόνων ημερησίως 

Το AQL δεν έχει σχέση με τον φορτίο. Το φορτίο είναι θέμα μελέτης. Το AQL είναι το Acceptance quality index



Ένας μηχανικός εργοταξίου με εμπειρία λοιπόν γνωρίζει πως υπολογίζουμε θερμικές τάσεις σε mass concrete!!!! Επίσης γνωρίζει τον AQL αφού εκτός από καλός μηχανικός εργοταξίου είναι και διδάκτορας στην ποιότητα!! Ειλικρινά δεν μπορώ να χωνέψω πως και από ποιον και για ποιο λόγο γίνανε τέτοιου είδους ερωτήσεις.

Μια ερώτηση μόνο για του λόγου το αληθές: Ήσουν ένας από τους 17 ή ήσουν ο εξεταστής? Αλλιώς πως? ως καθηγητής? μέσω κάποιου ερευνητικού του πανεπιστημίου της Μελβούρνης? Η εμπειρία σου μπορεί να βοηθήσει και να κατευθύνει μελλοντικούς υποψηφίους στις συνεντέυξεις τους....

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Δημοσιεύτηκε (edited)

Στο μεταξύ, λίγο σχετικό λίγο άσχετο, ένα καλοκαίρι, είχα δουλέψει σαν φοιτητής στην κατασκευή της υποθαλάσσιας σήραγγας στο Άκτιο. Τότε κατασκευάζονταν τα στοιχεία της σήραγγας εκτός νερού, και δούλευα στο εργαστήριο ελέγχου ποιότητας. Κατά τη σκυροδέτηση παίρναμε δοκίμια και μετά από 28 μέρες τα σπάγαμε. Ωστόσο, μηχανικός που να μπορεί να απαντήσει απ' έξω τις ερωτήσεις του Ροδόπουλου, δεν υπήρχε στο εργαστήριο.

Edited by ted78
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Δημοσιεύτηκε (edited)

Ρε παιδιά μπορεί να είναι λίγο γλαφυρός ο Ροδόπουλος και υπερβολικός..αλλά κρατείστε την ουσία όσων  λέει. Έχει δίκαιο για την εξειδίκευση και για τα μεταπτυχιακά που είναι γενικού περιεχομένου και δεν προσφέρουν τίποτα. Επίσης καλό είναι να ξέρουμε κάτι πιο εξειδικευμένο σας λογισμικό κανονισμό κ.τ.λ. . Πολλές από τις ξένες αγγελίες που βλέπω γράφουν περίεργες ειδικότητες και λογισμικά που δεν έχω ξανακούσει και απευθύνονται σε πολιτικούς μηχανικούς.


Από εκεί και πέρα συμφωνώ ότι τα θέματα αυτά είναι πιο πολύ ενός ακαδημαϊκού σύμβουλου έργου παρά μηχανικού εργοταξίου.

Edited by nik
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Και εγώ πριν φύγω από Ελλαδα άκουγα δεξιά και αριστερά διάφορα περί υπερβολικής εξειδίκευσης κλπ.

οκ, σε μεγάλο βαθμό ισχύει ειδικά για νεότερους μηχανικούς που καταλαμβάνουν συγκεκριμένες θέσεις.

Όταν όμως αντί για 20 χρόνια εμπειρία στατικές μελέτες γεφυρών με προβολοδόμηση (παράδειγμα λέω), έχεις 5 χρόνια τέτοια εμπειρία, 5 χρόνια επίβλεψη, 5 χρόνια επίβλεψη οδοποιία και 5 χρόνια γενική εμπειρία από quality management και project management μέχρι autocad και παραγωγή σχεδίων, τότε πιστεύω ότι είσαι πιο χρήσιμος σε μια εταιρεία...

Και να το πω πιο απλά: Αν έχεις την τύχη και βρεις δουλειά έξω, πρέπει να έχεις τα @ρχίδι@ να κρατήσεις την δουλειά και να εξελιχθείς. Αν δεν τα έχεις θα πας σπίτι σου πολύ γρήγορα....Και αν τα έχεις, ας έρθει οποιοσδήποτε που παίζει στα δάχτυλα τα AQL και γνωρίζει τις θερμικές επιπτώσεις στο mass concrete να σε χτυπήσει....

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Senior CPM Cost Engineer +10 years experience

To effectively control the costs, payments and early warning commercial aspects across multiple projects that will be taking place as part of the program. The Senior Cost Engineer (CPMs) will be responsible for a small number of the following packages:


1. Design

2. Build (Civil/structural for facilitating the baggage system support installation)

3. EDS Machine installations

4. Baggage installations

5. M&E installations

6. Controls




1. Provides comments and recommendations for cost engineering requirements relative to staffing and project control. Prepares detailed staffing plans for cost engineering activities.

2. Reviews proposal provisions related to cost engineering and material control and develops supporting data for contract negotiations. Participates in establishing pricing structures to be applied to quantities for estimates. Obtains vendor information to update the cost data file. Applies material unit rates to quantities. Maintains cost data files.

3. Interfaces with designated Bechtel management and client counterparts for specific cost presentations.

4. Participates in developing and presenting training classes on designated subjects and on-the- job training for specific processes and practices.

5. Conducts personnel performance reviews when delegated. Interviews candidates and makes recommendations for employment decisions.

6. Supervises the timely preparation of cost estimates. Prepares and analyzes comparisons of scope, quantities, and cost data between the projects. Performs productivity analysis of Construction operations and verifies results.

7. Reviews project work activities to ensure support of project milestones. Coordinates and establishes scoping requirements for the overall cost estimate by discipline or other specialty, and coordinates the timely, systematic, and complete acquisition of scope definition and related data.

8. Coordinates pricing structure or criteria to be used by each discipline or specialty to meet the objectives of the cost estimate. Establishes format and content of summaries and reconciliations, including segregation of cost according to level of confidence and identification of areas of risk.

9. Prepares or reviews distributable and/or contractors’ indirect cost estimates, developing basis for temporary facilities, miscellaneous construction services, construction tools and equipment, nonmanual manpower, startup services, payroll taxes and insurance, camp facilities and operation, and other field office costs. Researches and develops or reviews tax estimates, including federal, state and local tax issues. Assists in developing or develops foreign currency and exchange rate estimates.

10. Participates in discussions with vendors.

11. Plans, organizes, and supervises project cost budgets.

12. Defines project needs for cost control in accordance with established Bechtel and client contractual requirements, objectives, and procedures. Supervises the timely performance of cost control activities. Reviews and critiques designs and specifications for cost effectiveness and suggests alternatives when appropriate. Prepares cost trend estimates in support of project cost trend programs.

13. Supervises cost recording, monitoring, and reporting practices for compliance with applicable standards accuracy and consistency.

14. Supervises investigating requirements for cost control data for specific discipline or other specialty applications. Identifies needs for cost analysis support for the project, and recommends development or modification of cost engineering data standards. Supervises performance of cost analysis activities within the project.

15. Coordinates information input into specific studies. Responsible for integration of activities and total work scope identification. Evaluates study results and recommends conclusions for project team consideration and discussion.

16. Develops unit job hour and pricing data for a specific discipline or other specialty, including estimating parameters, factors indices, productivity and craft distribution reference data, etc., based on analysis of Bechtel and industry experience. Performs data analysis, identifies problems, and makes recommendations.

17. Creates and implements measurement systems for given processes, analyzes performance metric results, and identifies improvements. Ability to use statistical tools to analyze metrics (e.g., regression, analysis of variance, correlation), and ability to analyze measurement systems to identify bias, repeatability, and stability issues.

18. Prepares and presents cost engineering information to management/client.




Experience in performing, monitoring, and reviewing cost engineering functions, including cost estimating, cost control, financial reporting systems, and cost analysis, in the field and the home office.


Statistical knowledge in the areas of sampling distributions, probability, and hypothesis testing. Knowledge in supervision, personnel administration, and training of technical and non-technical personnel.


Demonstrated ability to plan, organize, direct, perform, review, and present cost engineering and cost estimating products. This includes planning and scheduling products independently with minimal supervision using a high level of professional judgment and knowledge related to technical planning and scheduling skills and engineering design and construction practices.


Skilled in oral and written communication.


Knowledge of engineering and construction management customarily acquired over time through specialized instruction or practical experience.


Provide assistance in the development of the Cost Plan for both Works and Organisation CostsInput into the cost reporting structure as requiredGenerally co-ordinate with others in the duties under commercial management


Attend all meetings as required to carry out the duties under this role


Maintain electronic files and administration of documents generally to facilitate retrieval as required


Check the quality of the production of commercial documents under your control


Develop cost tracking schedules as required to maintain information and control budget expenditure


Prepare all payments to trade contractors under your control and lead in the assessment of their applications for payment


Input to the assessment of programme and cost entitlements under the contract


Provide cost information as required from time to time to support the management team


Prepare change requests as required for approval and instructions as necessary to facilitate the works


Contribute to the preparation of trends and to the scheduling of early warning notices


Carry out further duties in line with Project Execution Plan and the Project Procedures


Maintain a positive attitude and collaborative culture when engaging with all stakeholders, the client, consultants, other project participants and trade contractors involved in the project and project delivery team




Experience in performing, monitoring, and reviewing cost engineering functions, including cost estimating, cost control, financial reporting systems, and cost analysis, in the field and the home office.


Statistical knowledge in the areas of sampling distributions, probability, and hypothesis testing. Knowledge in supervision, personnel administration, and training of technical and non-technical personnel.


Demonstrated ability to plan, organize, direct, perform, review, and present cost engineering and cost estimating products. This includes planning and scheduling products independently with minimal supervision using a high level of professional judgment and knowledge related to technical planning and scheduling skills and engineering design and construction practices.


Skilled in oral and written communication.


Advanced level of knowledge of engineering, procurement, contracts, construction, and startup work processes, as performed by Bechtel.


Knowledge of engineering and construction management customarily acquired over time through specialized instruction or practical experience.


Ideal knowledge:


Experienced cost engineer with a quantity surveying in construction background an advantage (with a minimum of 2 large infrastructure projects / NEC 3 Contract Experience (ideal)


Knowledge of cost and contract administration


Working knowledge of computer skills (Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) is a requirement.


Relevant industry experience, gained through on job experience of large, multi-discipline projects.


Project Control Supervisor Junior Position +5 years of experience



Supervises on project cost estimating, analysis, and control activities. Supervises schedule development, maintenance, monitoring, impact identification, and recovery plan development activities. Supervises the on project preparation and presentation of estimates. Supports project organizational and administrative activities. Identifies, analyzes, and provides innovative solutions to cost engineering and planning/scheduling problems. Provides generally non-routine cost engineering/planning and scheduling guidance to projects.




A . Supervision Received


- Reports to and receives technical guidance and operational supervision from designated supervisory personnel.


B. Supervision Exercised


- Provides technical and operational direction to assigned personnel. Ensures work is completed as scheduled.


C . Contacts


- Maintains relationships with the Project Manager and project personnel, particularly individual discipline group leaders and engineers.

- Continuing contacts with Project Manager, project team members, and working and supervisory level personnel of other departments.




The following duties are General/Common across disciplines within the Project Controls function:


1. Provides comments and recommendations for planning and scheduling/cost engineering requirements relative to staffing and project control. Prepares detailed staffing plans for planning and scheduling/cost engineering activities.

2. Reviews or assists in reviewing proposal provisions related to schedule/cost engineering and material control, and develops supporting data for contract negotiations.

3. Identifies and supports cost trend program and reports schedule impacts to management.

4. Interfaces with designated Bechtel management and client counterparts for specific planning and schedule tasks/cost presentations.

5. Prepares and presents cost engineering/estimating/planning and scheduling information to management/client.

6. Coordinates information input into specific studies. Responsible for integration of activities and total work scope identification. Evaluates study results and recommends conclusions for project team consideration and discussion.

7. Participates in developing and presenting training classes on designated subjects and on-the-job training for specific processes and practices.

8. Performs personnel performance reviews when delegated. Interviews candidates and makes recommendations for employment decisions.

9. Reviews and analyzes comparisons of scope, quantities, and cost data between the projects.

10. Performs productivity analysis of construction operations and verifies results by staffing and crew analysis of work operations by craft.

11. Develops bid evaluation and schedule criteria and prepares bid evaluations. May participate in discussions with vendors.

12. Creates and implements measurement systems for established processes, analyzes performance metric results, and identifies improvements. Ability to use statistical tools to analyze metrics (e.g., regression, analysis of variance, correlation), and ability to analyze measurement systems to identify bias, repeatability, and stability issues.

13. Supports development of Project Controls standards and procedures. Supervises and supports the compilation of historical data.


The following duties are performed with respect to Cost Engineering and Estimating (On Project):


1. Coordinates and establishes scoping requirements for the overall cost estimate by discipline or other specialty, and coordinates the timely, systematic, and complete acquisition of scope definition and related data. Reviews design scope criteria and quantities for completeness and reasonableness, and coordinates with the project to develop additional estimating bases when information is incomplete. Establishes the conceptual scope of estimates and studies when definition is not available.

2. Plans, coordinates, and establishes level of quantification appropriate to the objectives of the effort and to the level of scope definition for each discipline or specialty, and designates reference job(s) for source data and/or reconciliations of quantities. Reviews quantities and their completeness and reasonableness.

3. Supervises the timely and competent preparation of cost estimates. Establishes format and content of summaries and reconciliations, including segregation of cost according to level of confidence and identification of areas of risk.

4. Coordinates pricing structure or criteria to be used by each discipline or specialty to meet the objectives of the cost estimate.

5. Assists in developing unit job hour and pricing data for a specific discipline or other specialty, including estimating parameters, factors indices, productivity and craft distribution reference data, etc., based on analysis of Bechtel and industry experience. Performs data analysis, identifies problems, and makes recommendations.

6. Establishes productivity basis to be utilized in estimates, as developed in concurrence with Construction. Reviews labor estimates for reasonableness.

7. Prepares or reviews distributable and/or contractors’ indirect cost estimates, developing basis for temporary facilities, miscellaneous construction services, construction tools and equipment, non-manual manpower, startup services, payroll taxes and insurance, camp facilities and operation, and other field office costs. Researches and develops or reviews tax estimates, including federal, state, and local tax issues. Assists in developing or develops foreign currency and exchange rate estimates. Prepares or reviews contingency evaluation for estimates, escalation estimates, reconciliations for estimates, and management presentations.

8. Plans, organizes, and supervises development of project cost budgets.

9. Defines project needs for cost control in accordance with established Bechtel and client contractual requirements, objectives, and procedures. Supervises the timely and competent performance of cost control activities. Reviews and critiques designs and specifications for cost effectiveness and suggests alternatives when appropriate. Prepares cost trend estimates in support of project cost trend programs.

10. Supervises cost recording, monitoring, and reporting practices for compliance with applicable standards accuracy and consistency.

11. Supervises investigating requirements for estimating and/or cost control data for specific discipline or other specialty applications. Identifies needs for cost analysis support for the project, and recommends development or modification of cost engineering data standards. Supervises performance of cost analysis activities within the project.


The following duties are performed with respect to Scheduling:


1. Supervises the collection, verification, and integration of work scope for all entities into the total project plan. Reviews the representation of project scope in schedules.

2. Plans and supervises the effort to establish milestones for total project or major portions of the project. Reviews project work activities to ensure support of project milestones.

3. Provides supervision and assistance to planners in the development and integration of individual schedules into the total project plan. Reviews the performing organization’s work logics and determines adequacy of schedules in support of overall project schedule.

4. Supervises/directs, reviews, and evaluates schedule durations for all disciplines’ activities relative to support of project milestones. Supervises/directs calculation of durations and other considerations affecting activity durations.

5. Plans, organizes, and supervises schedule resource loading and leveling. Coordinates development of all bulk commodity release and installation curves. Integrates appropriate staffing requirements for each discipline/specialty relative to overall project needs. Determines quantity and staffing levels in support of project needs and schedule philosophy.

6. Supervises/directs obtaining required schedule information by all disciplines. Supervises identifying of schedule restraints and effect on total project schedule. Works with all departments to ensure understanding of total project schedule needs. Responsible for total integration of schedule activities. Identifies schedule considerations and problems resulting from interdiscipline or group restraints and interfaces.

7. Monitors and reports critical path and schedule performance of the total project. Supervises project schedule analysis and studies of problem areas to determine criticality of schedule activities. Recommends alternatives for schedule improvement to project team for discussion and/or decision.

8. Responsible for leading the development and review of schedule recovery plans, including evaluation of additional resources/costs required to effect such plans.


Job Knowledge


- Experience in performing, monitoring, and reviewing planning and scheduling functions, including schedule development, control, and analysis, and cost engineering functions, including cost estimating, cost control, financial reporting systems, and cost analysis, in the field and the home office.

- Knowledge of supervision, personnel administration, and training of technical and nontechnical personnel.

- Demonstrated ability to plan, organize, direct, perform, review, and present cost engineering and cost estimating products. This includes planning and scheduling products independently with minimal supervision using a high level of professional judgment and knowledge related to technical planning and scheduling skills and engineering design and construction practices.

- Skilled in oral and written communication.

- Demonstrates an advanced level of understanding of general Project Controls technical skills.

- Knowledge of engineering and construction management customarily acquired over time through specialized instruction or practical experience.


Trend Engineer Junior Position with minimum 6 years experience

Position Duties/Responsibilities:


- Responsible for the cost and schedule trending program.

- Identifies cost and schedule trends for project team attention. Individual will be required to travel frequently to monitor work progress against planned progress.

- Interfaces with field management, engineering and supervision and determines and articulates trend impacts to cost and schedule in a timely, accurate and concise manner.

- Initiates and leads weekly trend meetings and discussion regarding trends and their impact on cost and schedule.

- Reviews potential changes against project scope.

- Analyzes cost and schedule impact of scope changes.

- Prepares and updates the trend register in a timely and accurate manner for project and functional management review.

- Prepares and provides input and support to cost, project financial reporting and trending reports.

- Supports additional project organizational and administrative activities and deliverables as needed.


Basic Qualifications:


- Bachelor's Degree in Engineering, Construction Management, Business Management or equivalent years of experience

- A minimum of 6 years of recent Project Controls.

- Capability and flexibility to handle multiple tasks in restricted timeframes to support project goals is required.

- Demonstrated skill in identifying, analyzing and solving problems.

- Must be proficient in spreadsheet and database applications.

Δημιουργήστε ένα λογαριασμό ή συνδεθείτε προκειμένου να αφήσετε κάποιο σχόλιο

Πρέπει να είστε μέλος για να μπορέσετε να αφήσετε κάποιο σχόλιο

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