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Αυτοκίνητο που κινείται με θαλασσινό νερό! $30000


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Meet the youngest member of the QUANT family: the new QUANTiNO. An innovative electric vehicle for the mass market, powered by nanoFlowcell®. A sporty and dynamic car, the stand-out feature is undoubtedly the low-voltage drivetrain. Even at only 48 volts rated voltage, a combination of nanoFlowcell®, buffer system, and four electric motors generates 4 x 25 kW/136 HP, giving the QUANTiNO a top speed of more than 200 km/h. With two 175-liter tanks, the QUANTiNO has a range of over 1,000 kilometers, fully electric and without harmful emissions. 3.91 meters long, the little 2+2-seat brother of the QUANT E and QUANT F appeals with its unique design and the striking detail of 22-inch wheels that literally make it stand out in its class. If there is one.




A Salt Water Car for EVERYONE! 612 mile range, $30,000 *LEGIT*

Now ever the average joe will be able to afford a beautiful salt water powered super car.

Last year we were all awed by the beautiful sports limousine that ran on salt water and had over 900 horsepower.It’s price was over a million dollars and despite it being legal in Germany within weeks the average joe still could not have one. All that has now changed.

The 2015 Geneva Motor show was rocked by the announcement of the Quantino, the little cousin to Quant super car. The Quantino is beautiful, even more energy efficient and totally affordable. This isn’t vapour ware it is built and going through the tests now. We here at AetherForce have made contact with these amazing researchers and are working on ways to bring more of this amazing technology to light and to the people.





Salt Water Sports Car Gets Upgrade
FEB 12, 2015 02:36 PM ET // BY GLENN MCDONALD



When the European company nanoFlowcell AG debuted its unique electric concept car at last year’s Geneva Motor Show, the buzz was immediate. Word quickly spread that the Quant e-Sportlimousine was the first viable electric vehicle powered by salt water.

That isn’t quite the case, but it is kinda-sorta the case, and in this instance “kinda-sorta” is actually pretty impressive. The Quant vehicle doesn’t run on salt water, but instead uses tanks of charged electrolyte fluids — salt water, technically speaking — to store potential energy with improved efficiency. As such, the nanoFlowcell system can provide a much greater range than a conventional electric car battery, say the designers.

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The Quant crew will be returning to Geneva next month with the second iteration of the vehicle, dubbed the Quant F. The new car has a range of 800 kilometers (about 500 miles) when fully charged, with a top speed of 300 km/h (186 mph), according to the press materials.

Those are some pretty impressive numbers in the realm of electric vehicles. The Quant F has separate motors running all four wheels, and a two-speed transmission with peak horsepower at 1090 hp. Two 250-liter tanks hold the ionic fluids, which are run through a unique kind of fuel cell stack to generate energy. The lightweight carbon fiber frame has been completely re-engineered, as well.

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So, yeah: The Quant car isn’t technically powered by salt water at all — the ionic fluids are a storage medium, not a fuel, and must be charged up like any other battery. But as an alternative energy system, the nanoFlowcell power technology appears to be entirely promising and commercially viable. The car received street-legal certification in Europe last year, and a limited production run is in early planning stages.

Oh, also this, from the official press release: “The front lights of the Quant F now have the appearance of eyes with pupils.” So that’s nice.

via AutoBlog



Το σούπερ ηλεκτρικό αυτοκίνητο Quant F

Με ταχύτητα, που φτάνει τα 300χλμ/ώρα, χάρη στους 1.000 ίππους, μηδενικούς ρύπους και τεχνολογία, που παράγει ενέργεια από ιονικά υγρά το σούπερ ηλεκτρικό αυτοκίνητο Quant F έρχεται στο Σαλόνι Αυτοκινήτου της Γενεύης!

Η εταιρεία κατασκευής NanoFlowcell το περιγράφει ως μια περαιτέρω εξέλιξη του πρώτου της πρωτοτύπου, με το QUANT F να έχει παρόμοιο σχεδιασμό και να διαθέτει τα «QUANTeYES» φωτιστικά σώματα και μια πίσω αεροτομή. Οι μεγαλύτερες αλλαγές βρίσκονται κάτω από το οπτικό κομμάτι, καθώς το νέο nanoFlowcell τροφοδοτεί συνεχώς πάνω από 50 αμπέρ ρεύματος στο νέο ρυθμιστικό σύστημα του Quant F.

Με τη σειρά του αυτό μπορεί να προμηθεύσει πάνω από 2000 αμπέρ όταν απαιτείται για την πλήρη απόδοση, κάτι που καμία άλλη εταιρία δεν έχει καταφέρει να βγάλει πάνω από 2000 αμπέρ στο δρόμο σε επιβατικό αυτοκίνητο.





Edited by HARDCORE
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