A ribbon cutting ceremony to commemorate the completion of the Intermodal Access Road project was held with representatives from NSA Souda Bay, Naval Facilities Engineering Command Europe Africa Southwest Asia (NAVFAC EURAFSWA), 115th Hellenic Air Force, and construction contractor Michael M. Tsontos, SA, on July 25, 2018.
This project was a U.S. funded effort to connect the 115th Hellenic Air Force base in Mouzouras Village with the Hellenic Navy Base, Marathi, to provide a more direct route between the two bases to improve transportation of critical equipment, logistics materials, and supplies.
“The completion of this project eliminated the need to transport over busy public roads and allowed these evolutions to bypass more populated areas,” said Lt. Ryan White, NSA Souda Bay Public Works Officer. “It significantly increases and improves NSA Souda Bay's abilities to support our combatant commands and others by providing for a dedicated and safer transport route.”
The project cost $1.3 million and took approximately 23 months primarily due to a significant amount of coordination with local landowners and Hellenic authorities.
The road begins at the intersection at the 115th Hellenic Air Force base gate and follows the existing road around the northeast perimeter of the base and continues along the JP5 fuel maintenance road, crosses the ridge line with an S curve, and terminates at the intersection with the main road to Hellenic Navy Base, Marathi. The road is now open to public traffic.
NSA Souda Bay enables the forward operations and responsiveness of U.S. and allied forces in support of Navy Region, Europe, Africa, Southwest Asia’s mission to provide services to the fleet, fighter, and family.
Intermodal Road Project Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
By Joel Diller
NSA Souda Bay Public Affairs
Πηγή: https://www.facebook.com/NSASoudaBay/
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