Πιο λάθος δεν γίνετε topap. Δες τι λένε στο ECUK.
The process will be more straightforward if you have particular academic qualifications, which will also allow you to obtain interim registration. For IEng these are:
-an accredited Bachelors or honours degree in engineering or technology
-or a Higher National Certificate or Diploma or a Foundation Degree in engineering or technology, plus appropriate further learning to degree level
or an NVQ4 or SVQ4 which has been approved for the purpose by a licensed engineering institution.
Incorpotated δηλαδή γίνεσε με τη κτήση του πτυχίου (BEng, MEng). Αν έχεις HND ΠΡΕΠΕΙ να αναβαθμίσεις τις γνώσεις σου.
The CEng professional qualification is open to anyone who can demonstrate the required professional competences and commitment. These are set out in our professional standard, UK-SPEC, and are developed through education and working experience.
The process will be more straightforward if you have particular academic qualifications, which will also allow you to obtain interim registration. For CEng these are:
an accredited Bachelors degree with honours in engineering or technology, plus either an appropriate Masters degree accredited by a professional engineering institution, or appropriate further learning to Masters level
or an accredited integrated MEng degree
However, you can still become a Chartered Engineer if you do not have these academic qualifications. Further information about the assessment process can be found in UK-SPEC.
Chartered γίνεσε με Πτυχίο+Msc+Εμπειρία ή Πτυχίο+Περισσότερη εμπειρία.
Εν κατακλείδι, στη Βρετανία έχουν δύο στάθμες μηχανικών, ieng & ceng. Και οι 2 έχουν τα ίδια επ. δικαιώματα, με τους chartered να προτείνονται σε δουλειές ερευνητικές, πρωτότυπες ή ιδιαίτερα περίπλοκες.