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Geotechnical Interpretive Report
1. Executive Summary
2. Introduction
2.1 Scope and objective of the report
2.2 Description of project (including site description)
2.3 Geotechnical Category of project
2.4 Other relevant information
3. Existing Information
This section should be a review carried out by the designer of all existing, geotechnically relevant information
available on the project. The review should highlight the implications to the project of that information. The PSSR
will be a basis for this section, but the information contained in it should be updated as necessary when such
information is of a time-limited nature. Photographs obtained should be reproduced and clearly referenced.
3.1 Topographical maps (old and recent)
3.2 Geological maps and memoirs
3.3 Aerial photographs (old and recent)
3.4 Records of mines and mineral deposits (including an updated Mineral Valuer’s Report)
3.5 Land use and soil survey information
3.6 Archaeological and historical investigations
3.7 Existing ground investigations (including the relevant investigations carried out for the Overseeing
Organisation and the results of those investigations)
3.8 Consultation with Statutory Bodies and Agencies for example (but not necessarily limited to):
Natural England, English Heritage, Environment Agency.
3.9 Flood Records
3.10 Contaminated land
3.11 Other relevant information (may include hydrology and hydrogeology, natural cavities, landslides,
erosion and deposition, seismic etc.)
4. Field and Laboratory Studies
This section is to describe the investigations carried out by the Designer as part of the design process.
4.1 Walkover survey
4.2 Geomorphological/geological mapping
4.3 Ground Investigations. (Description of the investigations carried out by the designer, including an
outline of the aims and reasoning behind the requirement for the investigation)
4.3.1 Description of fieldwork
4.3.2 A copy of the ground investigation report should be provided; this can be bound separately
if required.
4.3.3 Results of in situ tests
4.4 Drainage studies
4.5 Geophysical surveys
4.6 Pile tests
4.7 Other field work
4.8 Laboratory investigation
4.8.1 Description of tests
4.8.2 Copies of test results (may be bound separately or with 4.3.2 above)
(For sections 4.3.2, 4.3.3 and 4.8.2 the information should also be provided in digital form as set out in the
Association of Geotechnical Specialists publication ‘Electronic Transfer of Geotechnical Data from Ground
Investigations’ (Ref 14).
5.0 Ground Summary
This section describes the Designer’s summary interpretation of the results of the investigations carried out
in sections 3 and 4 above. The Ground Summary shall provide the summary interpretation on the topography,
geology, hydrology, hydrogeology, geomorphology, man-made features and historical development of the project
and may be supplemented by a series of plans and overlays. If appropriate, a general ground model to be used for
design shall be presented for the site.
6.0 Ground Conditions and Material Properties
This section is the Designer’s evaluation of the ground conditions at relevant sections along the project route
and shall present the ground model to be used for design at each relevant section. Details and descriptions of the
various materials to be encountered shall be included together with a full justification for the parameters adopted
for the geotechnical design. Full references shall be given especially where generic parameters are to be adopted.
6.1 Topsoil
6.2 Made ground, including details of any contamination/contaminated areas
6.3 Separate heading for each material
6.4 Groundwater/chemistry
7.0 Geotechnical Risk Register
This section contains an update of the Geotechnical Risk Register established for the project. The register will
highlight the risks and consequence of those risks together with the measures taken to mitigate those risks. It is
essential that there is cross referencing in the report to ensure that the mitigation measures are taken forward in the
design outlined in the Geotechnical Design Report.
Πηγή: HD 22/08 - managing geotechnical risk, Highways Agency, UK